Psychiatric service animals can be extremely expensive. If you or someone you know needs a psychiatric service animal, but can’t afford it, you ...
Anxiety is a common struggle for many, as it is the most common mental health disorder in the United States. It effects 19.1% of the population, ...
If you or someone you know is considering getting a psychiatric service dog, you know that it is a big commitment. A psychiatric service dog requ ...
If you have depression or another mental illness, such as anxiety, PTSD, or OCD you may wonder if you would qualify for an emotional support anim ...
Psychiatric service dogs are rising in popularity and are a sub-category of service animals. If you or someone you know is looking into getting a ...
If you are an avid concert lover, then you might be wondering if you can take your service animal with you to your next concert. With lots of pop ...
If you have a service dog or psychiatric service dog, the thought of dating may come with an extra layer of anxiety. Will your date be confused b ...
Going through a bad breakup can be one of the most awful and life-altering experiences a human being can go through. Losing the person who was yo ...
In today’s society, the presence of Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) has become increasingly prevalent, providing invaluable companionship ...
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